Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cold War Paranoia in Captain America and Batman

Cold War Paranoia in Captain America and Batman Introduction The prevalent mood across the United States after the Second World War was rife with optimism and unparalleled success. The middle class â€Å"rapidly expanded, unemployment was low, and the United States (the only country with a nuclear bomb) became the most powerful country on earth† (Burr par.14).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Cold War Paranoia in Captain America and Batman specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Unfortunately, this mood lasted for a short period of about four years before the Soviet Union started stockpiling nuclear bombs in 1949. Given that the United States was the only state with nuclear weapons by then, the Soviet’s decision to test its first nuclear weapons openly in 1949 caused tensions in the US. The hitherto mood of success turned somber and Americans became paranoid due to the fears of a nuclear bomb being dropped from the Soviet Union. Americans started preparing f or nuclear bomb attacks. The political environment was awash with speculations and conspiracy theories, with some politicians claiming that Soviet spies had infiltrated the American government. The film industry thus sought to highlight the changing mood across the United States with film directors coming up with movies to underscore the situation. Some of the outstanding superhero movies that underscored the Cold War paranoia include Captain America directed by Albert Pyun in 1990 and Batman, which was released in 1966. This paper explores these two superhero movies and their correlation with Cold War paranoia in terms of characters and the plotlines. Batman (1966) This movie is commonly referred to as Batman: The Movie and it is an adaptation of the Batman Television Series, with emphasis on the character, Batman, who featured extensively in DC Comics (Garcia 55). The movie’s plotline elicits fear, apprehension, and confusion, which characterized the Cold War paranoia. When Batman tries to rescue Schmidlapp from a yacht, the vessel disappears and he comes out with his leg in a shark’s mouth (Batman). This form of unexpected events underscores the uncertainty that surrounded the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Americans did not know what to expect if either of the warring sides launched a nuclear attack against the other.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Batman and Robin later realize that the call claiming that Schmidlapp had been kidnapped was a set up by the United Underworld, which sought to eliminate Batman. This aspect underscores the many conspiracy theories that surrounded the Cold War. As the movie progresses, the plot exposes the view that everyone loses in a war. Batman and Robin fail in their attempt to protect the kidnapping of the United World Organization’s Council, wh ile the United Underground loses its missiles and submarines in the war. Similarly, both the United States and the Soviet Union lost substantially during the Cold War. Innocent civilians died as collateral damage on top of property destruction coupled with the death of thousands of soldiers involved in the war. On the choice of characters, Batman represents the kind of a superhero that Americans wanted to be assured of safety from the threats of nuclear bombs from the Soviet Union. Americans knew that the government could not protect them sufficiently if a nuclear war broke out because in a nuclear war, there are no winners as everyone loses (Burr par. 16). In addition, the use of Catwoman, under the disguise of Miss Kitka – a Soviet journalist, highlights the allegations of communist sympathizers within the United States at the time. Captain America This movie is an adaptation of the Marvel’s Comics Superhero. In the movie, the need to come up with a superhero to prot ect Americans from the threat of a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union stands out. Even though the plot oscillates between Italy and the United States, fear and unpredictability come out clearly. The Italian government eliminates Tadzio’s family before kidnapping him for experimental purposes as it seeks to make a fascist superhero (Captain America). However, one of the project masterminds, Dr. Vaselli, cannot stand the thought of using an innocent boy as a guinea pig and so she escapes to the United States where she kick starts a similar project. She successfully transforms one of the soldiers, Steve Rogers, into a superhero. Even though the director of this movie does not mention the Soviet Union directly, the themes used point to the Cold War paranoia at the time. The idea of coming up with a superhero being was born out of the uncertainty surrounding the possibility of using nuclear bombs during the Cold War (Snellings par. 17).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Cold War Paranoia in Captain America and Batman specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The cloning of a superhero in Italy and the replication of the same in the United States can be taken to imply the making of a nuclear bomb in the US and the subsequent replication of the same by the Soviet Union. On the use of characters, the script follows that of Batman with superhero characters taking the center stage. Conclusion Fear, apprehension, and uncertainty characterized the Cold War era. Americans lived in ‘nuclear war preparedness’ as the Soviet Union was allegedly planning to drop a nuclear bomb anywhere in the US. Moviemakers sought to make films highlighting this feeling of uncertainty. In addition, Americans wanted a form of protection, which could only come from a superhero as opposed to relying on government forces. Therefore, filmmakers used superheroes in their movies to meet the society’s expectations at the time, as shown in the movies, Batman and Captain America. Batman. Dir. Leslie Martinson. Century City, LA: Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, 1966. Film. Burr, William. Nobody Wins a Nuclear War But Success is Possible Mixed Message  of 1950s Air Force Film on a U.S.-Soviet Conflict, 2011. Web. Captain America. Dir. Albert Pyun. New York: Marvel Entertainment, LLC, 1990. Film. Garcia, Bob. Batman: Making the Original Movie. Cinefantastique 24.25 (1994): 55-58. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Snellings, April. Captain America Trades World War II Action for Cold War Paranoia in  The Winter Soldier, 2014. Web.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

TVs War on Me and I

TVs War on Me and I TVs War on Me and I TVs War on Me and I By Maeve Maddox Television scriptwriters or perhaps actors who are failing to read what has been written for themseem to be determined to reverse the functions of the pronouns I and me in American speech. Refresher I is the subject form of the first person personal pronoun. It stands for the person speaking. This subject form is used as the subject of a sentence: I am attending a conference in Chicago this week. Charles and I are attending the conference together. NOTE: The courteous way to construct a compound subject in which I is one of the subject words is to place the other person first: Charles and I are attending. He and I are attending. Purists may insist on It is I, but in conversation, most Americans say Its me. Its safe to say, therefore, that the ONLY time to use the pronoun I is as the subject of a sentence. Me is the object form of the first person personal pronoun. It is the receiver of an action or the object of a preposition. It is NEVER the subject of a verb. Examples: Direct object: Please invite me. Please invite Tommy and me. Indirect object: Give me the book. Give James and me the book. Object of preposition: Dads riding with me. (object of with) The children live with Sally and me. In writing fiction I know enough not to put the same grammar or vocabulary in the mouths of a child, a garage mechanic, an ESL learner, and a college professor. On the other hand, unless theres something about the characters personality to make him deliberately flout the rules of standard English, I would have a native English speaker who has completed at least eight years of formal education use the pronouns I and me correctly. I might put the construction Me and him went to the movies into the mouth of a privately-educated teenager who wanted to make his parents cringe, but I wouldnt give the line to an assistant district attorneyunless I meant for the reader to question her credibility. See what you think of these gleanings from Prime Time: Law and Order Him and Eric had words at the Baby Doll a young bank executive Did he ever confide in you what him and Kate have been going through? Detective Green Callng on Wong and I to attend Alexandra Borgia, Assistant District Attorney Cold Case Files Vic and him stopped talking as soon as she moved out. a fireman Without A Trace I was looking for a recent photo of Jimmy and I affluent, apparently educated girlfriend of a missing person Did he ever talk about a grudge between he and some of the guys? Jack Malone, senior FBI agent Numbers I made a reservation for Megan and I at an Ethiopian restaurant. Larry Fleinhardt, PhD Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Types of LanguageConfused Words #3: Lose, Loose, LossPassed vs Past

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Define and evaluate the major geostrategic challenges the EU will face Essay

Define and evaluate the major geostrategic challenges the EU will face in the coming decade - Essay Example 67). However, the EU member countries are fighting to alleviate the union from these challenges. The members’ main concern is the economic, security, and power balance challenges. The union intends to resolve its economic challenges by boosting trade through sharing the gross domestic product as well as to increase trade and investment and finally developing defense and aid spending on areas that they will feel affected. Nonetheless, other than the unions own intended resolutions, the essay will also suggest, at different points, the possible solutions to the highlighted EU’s geostrategic challenges. EU’s problems are associated with the growing differences in the political ideologies and foreign policies among member countries. These elements have led to geostrategic challenges including hierarchy of nations, fall or collapse of the EU economic power, power of populations, leadership issues, political ideologies, war threats, dwindling unity, Security and welfare, maritime security challenges, cyber domains and the maritime environment, and balance of management power on fundamental of EU’s assets. Other challenges include continued fall, fail, and collapse of the Middle East states, increasing trend of recruitment of the terror group, transnational crime, and Environmental security. The geopolitical analyses are concerned with the political dynamics that tends to interfere with the international relations. Some member nations are considering themselves more economically and politically powerful than other member nations (Howorth, 2007; Pg. 126). This has swayed nations’ capacities and attributes that have led to hierarchy of nations among the EU members. The â€Å"great power† notion that emerged in the ninetieth century has since made some nations within the EU powerful in terms of policy formulation, decision making, and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Economics - DQ 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economics - DQ 2 - Essay Example However, the point where marginal cost and marginal revenue intersects represents output which is less than maximum capacity. Thus, there lies inefficiency in production as these firms control the level of supply in order to regulate the prices. This is true in the real world. For example, monopolist firms in developing countries especially those in the provision of public utilities like water and utility set prices too high while controlling quantity. They do not operate in their full efficiency in order to bid up the prices of their goods and services. Thus, most countries where utilities are monopolized are where the highest electricity costs are found. Monopolists take advantage of the situation by using their capacity of influencing price level. Globalization is characterized by the entry of foreign firms in the domestic market and vice versa. This is also a process by which business organizations operate anywhere in order to take advantage of profit opportunities. Globalization is seen as the way of increasing the number of competitors in the market through the entry of new players and the survival of the most efficient ones. Yes, globalization intensifies the market competition in a given country. It is irrefutable that multinationals or huge business organizations operating on three or more markets have gained significant economies of scale and are the most efficient ones. The entry of these players in the domestic market often threatens the local players who are less efficient. Thus, competition heats up as these smaller players cope with the ability of large foreign firms to operate more efficiently and profitably. In so doing, it also tries to safeguard its shares by equipping itself with competencies. Local manufacturers often go beyond their limit. The entry of foreign players pressures them to improve their processes, strengthen their brand image, produce higher quality products, and even double

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Community Health Nursing Essay Example for Free

Community Health Nursing Essay Identification of Community Nestled in Southern Indiana just west of Louisville, Kentucky and south of Indianapolis, Indiana is Dubois County, Indiana. Dubois County is comprised of the towns of Birdseye, Ferdinand, Holland, Huntingburg and Jasper. Of those towns, Jasper is the largest and is the county seat (Kelly School of Business, 2014). Over fifty-two percent of the population consists of adults ranging from 25-64 years of age (Kelly School of Business, 2014). The leading cause of mortality in this county is heart disease, cancer, suicide and injuries (Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). According to the 2011 health rankings of the county, Dubois County was higher in the benchmark of poor health, adult obesity, adult smoking, excessive drinking, motor vehicle crash death rate and teen birth rate than the national benchmarks (Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Industry overview consists of manufacturing, transportation/warehousing, health care, and finance/insurance with manufacturing providing the majority of the jobs at an average wage per job of $54,000 in 2010(Memorial Hospital And Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Obesity in the county grew to 28.9% in 2008 compared to 26.8% in 2006(Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Physical inactivity also increased in the two year span growing from 20.9% in 2006 to 24.5% in 2008(Memorial Hospital And Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Summary of Tools Population Economic Status Assessment The Population Economic Status Assessment of the county was utilized to obtain the population estimates, cultural diversity, income levels, poverty among children and unemployment rates. In 2013 the population estimates of 42, 361 were found in Dubois County (United States Census Bureau, 2014). Of  these, the cultural demographics of 98% were white and 6.4% were Hispanic or Latino (United States Census Bureau, 2014). In 2011, Dubois County provided only 0.6% of the births in Indiana and 0.7% of the deaths (Kelly School of Business, 2014). The median household income was $54,168 and 7.9% were below poverty level wen the span of 2008-2012 was studied (United States Census Bureau, 2014). The rate of poverty among children in Dubois County was under 10% in 2010(Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). A 7.5% unemployment rate in 2010 was seen as well as an increase in families receiving temporary assistance (Memorial Hospital and Health Care Cen ter Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory Environmental safety hazards present in Dubois County range from air pollution, invasive animal species, climate, and resources. Air pollution is a byproduct of the manufacturing industry. The Particulate Matter measurement in 2010 was 27.2ug/m3 which contributes to the asthma and cancer rates in the community (Air Quality, 2012). Another environmental concern is the possible conversion of a coal-fired plant into an incinerator of biomass which also threatens to worsen the respiratory issues of the population (Healthy Dubois County, 2014). Invasive animal species of the county include the Emerald Ash Borer and Gypsy moth who could deforest the trees and shrubs thereby threatening our environment (Dubois County Soil and Water Conservation District, 2014). The climate is humid and the annual precipitation is spread throughout the year (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2014). The soil is flat and provides poor drainage thus placing the county at risk for flooding (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2014). Cultural Assessment Tool The primary cultural groups of Dubois County are whites with German ancestry and a growing Latino population. The numbers of females to males of both cultures is approximately 50:50(Dubois County, n.d.) Religious affiliations of the community include Catholics, Lutheran, Methodist and Mormon with Catholics being approximately 71% of the population (Onboard Informatics, 2013). Disaster Assessment Planning Guide Dubois Countys disaster preparedness plans and resources are maintained by the county health department. The four major areas of focus include: acts of nature, such as floods and tornados; disease outbreaks, such as influenza and Hepatitis; accidents, including chemical spills; and terrorist acts (Dubois County Health Department, 2012). With such disasters the most vulnerable populations are the young and old, who are the most likely to be affected by a disaster. Public agencies such as the Red Cross, Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center, Dubois County Health Department are a few of the local agencies that can offer resources and aid to those individuals during times of crisis. Ethnicity issues related to disaster are language barriers of those who have recently traveled to the area. Windshield Survey The environment of Dubois County is a mix of urban and rural areas that are rich in history. In Jasper, IN there are eighteen parks located in this county seat of Dubois County. They are well maintained by the Parks and Recreation Department of the town. The homes in Jasper overall are well maintained and landscaping includes a mix of trees, shrubs and flowers. The home lot size ranges from small to large as you progress away from the downtown area. Older homes are more focused in the downtown area and newer homes are being developed in the outer areas of town. Not all of the homes have access to sidewalks or walking trails within walking distance. The Patoka River flows through the town and a recreational railway also passes through the town. Residents take advantage of the river front area with a river walk pathway that passes 2.1 miles along the river. The river walk and pavilion area along the river and parks provide common areas for families and fitness enthusiast. Other gathering places include a number of restaurants and bars in town. These restaurants are fast food, fast-casual and bar/grill type establishments. Transportation includes personal vehicles and public transportation. Schools include five primary education schools, one high school and one community college. There are over 50 dentists, 18 family practice, 5 pediatricians and 38 nursing homes/skilled/assisted living agencies in Jasper. The community business owners work hard to build up the town and county through such organizations as Dubois Strong and Greater Downtown Jasper Business Association. Dubois Strongs focus is to support business growth through marketing to access to capital to help new  and existing business to thrive. Diversity can be seen in the growth of Hispanic churches/mass times, Hispanic food stores, and restaurants. Population Health Scavenger Hunt The Dubois County Health Departments target population is the residents of Dubois County and to support the health of the county. The county website promotes the health department and the health department advertises in the local news media with regards to upcoming events and programs. The Jasper Chamber of Commerce promotes local businesses, new resident information, recreation activities, recycling programs, and more. The director of the chamber is also active in promoting the improvement and activities within the city through news media and working with various committees. Both the fire and police department are housed within the city center of Jasper and both provide programs for children in addition to keeping our city safe. The police department provides schools with the DARE program for drug prevention. The City of Jasper, through the service of various agencies, houses a community food bank, energy assistance program, foreclosure prevention services and health family promotio n program for those who qualify. Description of Selected Community Dubois County is a community built with German ancestry that has diversified over the years to include a Hispanic/Latino population. Individuals within the population are proactive in keeping the community thriving in this ever changing environment. Growth of the various cultures can be seen in the development of Hispanic churches and food stores. Cardiovascular disease was the leading cause of mortality in 2006-2008(Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Health disease prevention is provided through programs through the hospital and availably of outside activities found in the river walk and parks in the area. Interpretation of Data When comparing the number of births and deaths in Dubois County to Indiana as a whole, the numbers are even, in comparison. Yet in international migration, the county ranks 23 out of 92 counties (Kelly School of Business, 2014). In examination of the leading causes of death in the county, most young people die due to injury and older people die from either cancer or heart disease. Conclusions could be made from this data. A population who is primarily employed by manufacturing facilities could be the source of the accidents in the young and the environmental agents from these plants may cause death in the elderly after multiple years of exposure. Also, another causative factor to consider is the availability of fast food linked to the increased mortality from heart disease. Problems in the Selected Community When the leading causes of mortality in Dubois County with regards to the Healthy People 2020 goals are examined, the topics of Heart Disease and Stroke, Nutrition and Weight Status and Cancer appear to be the top three problems for this community. Heart disease and stroke are leading causes of mortality in America and therefore lend themselves to an increase in healthcare cost (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). Prevention of these events can start with control of blood pressure, cholesterol, tobacco use, improved diet and increase in physical activity (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). Controlling these risk factors is therefore one of the goals of Healthy People 2020 as they attempt to ameliorate the health of the nation through health promotion and prevention. Not only does improving ones nutrition and weight decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke, but it will also aid in the prevention of other diseases including cancer. The Healthy People 2020 goal of Nutrition and Weight Status not only looks at an individuals diet, but increasing household food security and eliminating hunger (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). With the accessibility of fast food, increased physical inactivity and environmental safety concerns over the past few years, these goals for health promotion and prevention are applicable to this community. The resources in the community along with the communitys desire to care for its members should help this community thrive. Problem in Relation to Goals Healthy People 2020 are science based goals for â€Å"improving the health of all Americans† (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). It â€Å"established benchmarks and monitored progress over time in order to encourage collaboration across communities and sectors, empower individuals toward making informed health decisions, and measure the impact of prevention activities† over a ten year period( U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). Through the identification of a community’s health needs, a community can determine the health priorities and opportunities for improvement† (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). This process helps the community to live â€Å"longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury and premature death† (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). Therefore looking at the Dubois County community’s health concerns for heart disease and stroke, the goal of nutrition and weight status is a great starting point for improving the health of the community. As the individual lives of the community members improve so will the county. A healthy community is a thriving community. Poor nutrition has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Not only is nutrition an individuals choice, but resources must be accessible for proper nutrition and exercise. Fresh produce through Farmers Markets, health promotion through work, and accessible healthy activities for the public are a few solutions to support the community as they strive to ameliorate their lives. Availability of Community Resources A variety of organizations throughout the community provide services to improve the nutrition and health of those it serves. The Greater Downtown Business Association hosts a Farmers Market every Saturday morning from May through October. Not only does this provide locally grown produce to the community, but it also offers a positive social gathering for families and those interested in improving their nutrition. Many of the local churches and organizations offer 5K run/walk opportunities throughout the county as well. Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center offers fitness and nutrition classes for the community as part of their mission to Be for others. Primary Prevention Topic My primary prevention topic is the prevention of overweight and obesity by means of healthy nutrition and physical activity. Amelioration of health will reduce the disease risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer in our community. A successful community starts with healthy individuals. Use of Questions The largest contributor to morbidity and mortality in Dubois County is poor nutrition either through lack of education or resources. The businesses and organizations are trying to improve the nutrition/physical fitness of the community by offering classes, walk/runs and other means of health promotions through media promotion. The local physicians have discussed services on local radio programs, through seminars at the hospital and in articles in the local papers. There is also a community food bank and farmers market. The most recent controversial community health concern published by the news media is that of the proposed biomass plant to be initiated in the old power plant location. There has been community involvement by community leaders and individuals to keep this from happening due to the concern of air quality. As it stands, the company that was going to initiate the transition to biomass has recently revoked their commitment to the project. Most people in the community are concerned about staying healthy for a better quality of life, but they may just not realize all the free or low cost resources available to them. Local news media advertise the hospital programs available and promote the local fitness activities available. Education needs to remain a constant to inform the community of the opportunities available to them. As mentioned previously, most of the emergency room visits are due to injuries/accidents, but cardiology issues is the top hospital inpatient discharge diagnosis (Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Therefore focus on prevention and treatment of heart disease is of paramount importance. Focusing on prevention will improve the longevity of this community. Quality of life in the community is reduced by the prevalence of multiple factories in the area. As previously mentioned, the air quality has impacted the community’s rate of asthma and cancer. Imp roving quality of life needs to include improving air quality. References 2011 Dubois County Health Needs Assessment (Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011) Retrieved from Air Quality. (2012). Indiana County of Dubois Government Website. Retrieved from City Data: Dubois County, Indiana. (Onboard Informatics, 2013). Retrieved April 22, 2014 from Dubois County. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved April 22, 2014 from,Indiana Dubois County Health Department (2012). Indiana County of Dubois Government Website. Retrieved from Dubois County Indiana Profile (Kelly School of Business, 2014). Retrieved from Flood Insurance Study: Dubois County, Indiana and Incorporated Areas (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2014). Retrieved from Healthy Dubois County (Healthy Dubois County, 2014). Retrieved from Invasive Animal Species Information (Dubois County Soil and Water Conservation District, 2014). Retrieved from State County Quick Facts: Dubois County, Indiana (United States Census Bureau, 2014). Retrieved from U.S . Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). About Healthy People. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2013). Nutrition and Weight Status. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2013). Heart Disease and Stroke. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Machine Translation Essay -- Computer Programs Programming Natural Lan

Machine Translation Abstract In this paper, the overview of machine translation (MT) is presented. The original idea of MT has been investigated since 1950s by many research groups and at present many MT systems have been created and developed around the world. Three approaches of MT systems: direct translation, transfer and interlingual approaches are common systems. The main idea of direct translation approach is word-by-word replacement before the transformation of the structure from source language (SL) to target language (TL). The translation is finished in only one step. The transfer approach transforms the SL to the TL through several stages with different kind of temporarily structural language. Finally, the interlingual approach stands on the idea of transform the SL to the TL through a neutral language or interlingual language (IL). Introduction Language is a tool for communication about the world. Two categories of language are programming language (PL) and natural language (NL). Programming language is a tool for communication between human and computer, whereas natural language is a tool for communication among people. In this paper, we will focus on natural language. Different nations (or regions) use different languages as a way to communicate to each other. Communication between two people who know two different languages needs an interpreter who understands both languages. Even though most people have an ability to study and understand several languages, it takes time to do so, and so far, nobody is able to understand all the languages in this world. Therefore, the idea of translating languages by a machine, so-called machine translation (MT), was promised in mid-20 century and defined as follows: "M... ... represents only the overview of MT systems and survey of MT researches. In the next paper, the details of process in MT system will be presented. References [1] W.J. Hutchins, Machine Translation: past, present and future, Ellis Horwood Limited, 1986. [2] Bonnie Dorr, Lecture note on CMSC 723: Natural Language Processing, University of Maryland, College Park, Spring 1996. [3] W. J. Hutchins and H. L. Somers, An Introduction to Machine Translation, Academic Press. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Employees’ Issues in Hcl Axon Malaysia

ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES AND PROBLEMS Peripherally, HCL AXON is an excellence organization with increasing sophistication of its information technologies and offer huge scope of business benefits. HCL’s engaging in information systems projects and timely subjects helps yielding substantial achievement and continue to be robust. However, HCL AXON’s branch in Malaysia, HCL AXON Malaysia is actually having a big trouble in human resource management. HCL AXON Malaysia today fall prey to the same basic problems that were apparent all over the years in the organization.Questions have to ask whether organization is learning. Questions must also be asked about the quality of training given to project managers, developers as well as the IT support engineer. The employees are bewildered in a suffocating quandary which consists of rigidity in the Human Resource department, negligence of employees’ welfare, and the lack of employee development. i. Rigidity in the Human Resource department The HR department shows negligence in updating its information system. For instance, the working contract between a computer technician, Morty with HCL AXON Malaysia is expired in February 2012.Without contract extension, he is still working in the organization and being paid his salary every month until today. In fact, this situation is insecure to Morty because no one guarantees the termination would not descend one day against him. Furthermore, there is another similar example. A former employee, Tom quitted his job from HCL AXON Malaysia in September 2012. However, he was still being paid his salary in the next two consecutive months. After being informed about this case, only the HR department rectified the system.These might caused by the lack of initiation in the HR department towards developing deep awareness for contracting, staffing and recruitment system. They keep running the existing system like doing a daily routine, paying the fixed amount of wages to empl oyees on the list without any updating. Subsequencely, the HR system is not developing in fully aligned system which includes aligning the organization’s policies and human systems i. e. staffing. ii. Negligence of Employees’ Welfare Besides, the HR department in HCL AXON Malaysia never takes employees’ elfare and needs seriously. For instance, the IT engineers or computer technicians are usually work overtime and carrying out work-shift every week. The employees are also ought to work on public holiday. However, there are no allowance and bonus given. Employees crave for the benefits and compensation system would be ameliorated, but their request and allegation are being ignored by HR department. Meaning by that, the HR department shows laziness to get input or feedback from employees to improve the exacting situation.An IT engineer in HCL AXON Malaysia, Terence claims that the employees in the organization are mostly having low job satisfaction. iii. The Lack of Employee Development The changing environment and technologies such as launching of new software and IT systems as well as the unpredictable issues regarding foreign countries’ client system urge HCL AXON to utilize system approach to make continuous-improvements. The HR department of HCL AXON Malaysia promised to conduct training sessions to the employees which is training of using new software. However, the managers and supervisors never work diligently to meet the commitment.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Technology Is Being Used Increasingly in the

Argumentative Essay Writing Tips Find your topic – From abortion to human trafficking, the sky is the limit when it comes to finding a heated topic to present an argument about. Think about your stance – Are you going to be for or against human trafficking? Logically, most people would be against human trafficking but either way you will need to be confident and comfortable in whatever stance you take. Additionally, you will need to be able to substantiate the facts and cleverly fuse them with your stance in order to arrive at a solid argumentative essay. This will require that you think about your stance on the issue essay writers world reviews.Think long and hard in order to better be able to discern where you are trying to take the topic argumentatively. Do your homework – There have undoubtedly been others who have argued for or against the topic that you chose who may have done it years prior to you even thinking about it. Take time out to research how your predecessors argued their stance. This is not to say that you should mirror that stance, but it might give you a heads up and/or better tips on what direction you should be moving towards when it comes to the ebb and the flow of the argument.Know your opposition – Every argumentative topic has a pro side and an opposing side. The best possible strategy that you can employ when writing the article is to know your opponent’s stance on the issue. When you know how your opponent will think or what rebuttal he or she will try to use, then you will have an upper hand on how to out debate them. Knowing your opponent is essential in counter-attacking when it comes to your argumentative essay. Get the facts – What good is an argumentative essay if there are no facts? The bottom line is that you need facts in order to support your argument on your controversial topic.No one wants to look like an amateur, and in order to avoid doing such you will need to have cognitive and verifiable facts that will back up your argument completely. Without these facts your risk looking both unprofessional and unprepared. Pick a topic that you are passionate about – When there is no passion in an argumentative essay then there is nothing to capture the attention of the reader. In order to convey your argument it is imperative for you to be passionate about any topic that you pick. If you do not believe in it then no one else will either. Steps in writing your Essay INTRODUCTION 1.Paraphrase the question 2. State your position [totally/strongly/somewhat + agree/disagree] BODY 3. Write topic sentences for each body paragraph Sequencing word + topic + point The main reason why I believe teachers are necessary is because they are essential for disciplining and motivating students CONCLUSION 4. Summarise main points 5. Give your final opinion or recommendation/ restate your position A Sample of Argumentative Essay Technology is being used increasingly in the classr oom and some people believe that educators will become redundant. I somewhat disagree that teachers will be replaced by machines.The main reason why I think that teachers are essential is because they encourage and discipline students. Many people find it difficult to be interested in learning new things. Therefore educators are needed to make classes more interesting and stimulate students’ desires for learning. Also, in the case of young people, teachers often need to force students to learn through the use of punishments. Another reason why teachers are needed is because they can teach young people important skills and values. This is because educators serve as role models to their students and teach them how to appropriately interact with their peers.Therefore, if people only learn using machines they will lose the opportunity to learn important social skills and values. However, studying over the internet certainly offers a lot of convenience. First, we are able to study in the comfort of our own homes, without the need to commute to school. Second, we can choose to study at any time we like even in the middle of the night. In summary, I somewhat disagree that machines can replace teachers. This is because teachers can encourage students to learn and teach them how to interact with other people. Although, computers do offer the ability for people to learn anywhere at any time.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Help Astronomers Classify Galaxies

Help Astronomers Classify Galaxies The world of science is one of careful measurements and analysis. Theres so much scientific data available to scientists today across all disciplines that some of it had to wait for a scientist to get to it. In recent decades, the scientific community has been turning to citizen scientists to help them analyze it. In particular, the worlds astronomers have a rich treasury of information and imaging available and are working with citizen volunteers and observers to help them sift through it all   In astronomy, not only are they working together on analysis, but in some projects, amateur observers are using their telescopes to observe objects of interest to professionals.   Welcome to Citizen Science Citizen science brings people of all walks of life together to do important work in such diverse disciplines as astronomy, biology, zoology, and others. The degree of participation is really up to the volunteer whos interested in helping out. It also depends on the projects needs. For example, in the 1980s, amateur astronomers banded together with astronomers to do a massive imaging project focused on Comet Halley. For two years, these observers took pictures of the comet and forwarded them to a group at NASA for digitization. The resulting International Halley Watch showed astronomers that there were qualified amateurs out there, and luckily they had good telescopes. It also brought a whole new generation of citizen scientists into the limelight. Nowadays there are various citizen science projects available, and in astronomy, they literally let anyone with a computer or a telescope (and some free time) explore the universe. For astronomers, these projects get them access to amateur observers and their telescopes, or people with some computer savvy to help them work through mountains of data. And, for the participants, these projects give an exclusive look at some pretty fascinating objects.   Opening the Floodgates of Science Data Several years ago a group of astronomers opened up an endeavor called Galaxy Zoo  to public access. Today, its called, an online portal where participants look at images of various subjects and help analyze them. For astronomers, it includes images taken by survey instruments such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which is a massive imaging and spectrographic survey of the sky done by instruments in the northern and southern hemisphere. The idea for the original Galaxy Zoo was to check out images of galaxies from surveys and help classify them. There are trillions of galaxies. In fact, the universe IS galaxies, out as far as we can detect. To understand how galaxies form and evolve over time, its important to classify them by their galaxy shapes and types. This is what Galaxy Zoo and now Zooniverse asked its users to do: classify galaxy shapes. Galaxies typically come in a number of shapes - astronomers refer to this as galaxy morphology. Our own Milky Way Galaxy is a barred spiral, meaning it is spiral-shaped with a bar of stars, gas, and dust across its center. There are also spirals without bars, as well as elliptical (cigar-shaped) galaxies of varying types, spherical galaxies, and irregularly shaped ones.   People can still classify galaxies on Zooniverse, as well as other objects and not just in science. The system trains users in what to look for, no matter what the subject is, and after that, its citizen science.   A Zooniverse of Opportunity Zooniverse  today includes research areas on a wide array of topics in astronomy. It includes such sites as Radio Galaxy Zoo, where participants check out galaxies that emit large amounts of radio signals, Comet Hunters, where users scan images to spot comets, Sunspotter (for solar observers tracking sunspots), Planet Hunters (who search out worlds around other stars), Asteroid Zoo and others. Beyond astronomy, users can work on Penguin Watch, Orchid Observers, Wisconsin Wildlife Watch, Fossil Finder, Higgs Hunters, Floating Forests, Serengeti Watch, and projects in other disciplines.   Citizen science has become a huge part of the scientific process, contributing to advances in many areas. As it turns out, Zooniverse is just the tip of the iceberg! Other groups have also put together citizen science initiatives, including Cornell University.   All are easy to join, and participants will find that  their time and attention really DO make a difference, both to scientists and as contributors to the worlds general level of scientific knowledge and education.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Case for Beta Readers

The Case for Beta Readers More authors are beta-ing their books than ever before. But many writers are asking the question, Why should I use beta readers? This question is usually followed To answer those questions, Id like to share some examples of how authors are utilizing betas as a key component of their authorial career. Market Feedback When you run a beta read, you receive the story feedback you need to help you spot problems and polish your story to fit your target market. Authors who have a beta-ready manuscript, give clear instructions, and engage with their readers, end up getting great feedback that they can incorporate into their edits, branding, and career development. Its the same idea as the test-screenings that are common in Hollywood, getting reactions from readers before you publish gives you a better chance of producing a bestseller. Building Your Brand   Beta readers in your target audience know what that audience wants and likes. Learning what your beta readers do and dont enjoy in your work gives you valuable insight into how to promote your books, target your ads, and develop your brand in a way that best speaks to your potential fans. Building Community A key part of building a fan base is making your readers feel like they are part of a community beyond themselves. The process of inviting a group of your most dedicated fans to give early feedback on a book ties them to you, but more importantly ties them to each other and lets them know their love of your work is something they share with other people. Building Buzz Thousands of books are published a month. Hundreds of reviews are written. Dozens of launch ads flash before readers eyes. The thing that reliably cuts through all that noise is personal recommendation. People talk about projects they helped with. Your beta readers are a part of your launch story, and they will share that story, building excitement for and awareness of your book. Selling Copies Smart authors not only develop strong groups of beta readers who make substantive comments on their book and help them produce better work, they thank them in their books. Those readers are often the first people in line when those books go on sale. They want to see what they helped create. Many leave reviews, especially if you encourage it. Who doesnt want an eager audience who has already read the book bumping your numbers on launch day and leaving honest reviews? My partner Andrew and I built BetaBooks, the first reader management software for professional authors. Since our launch in summer 2016, we have helped more than one thousand authors beta their books. BetaBooks lets authors privately share their book with their trusted readers, track their progress, collect feedback, and collate and sort that feedback for easy editorial passes. This saves authors time, making what used to be an organizational headache easy and fun. If you are looking for a better way to organize your betas, visit  to try out our free demo tier and use the coupon code hopeclark to get 10 percent off when you upgrade to one of our paid plans. If you have any questions or want to tell us about your betas, get in touch at

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Todays Intricacy and Complexities Research Paper

Todays Intricacy and Complexities - Research Paper Example The process is however complicated as it requires utilization of personal skills and individual values to facilitate the creation of an effective frame of reference essential in productive action. The essay below therefore seeks to use multiple step method developed by Keeley and Browne to examine the argument suggested by the director of operations in Cliffside Holdings Company of Massapequa. What Are The Issue And The Conclusion? In the case of Cliffside Holding Company of Massapequa, the focus is on establishment and funding leadership programs for junior executive staff in the company. The need to prepare junior financial executives for future development of the company was proposed during the senior executive staff meeting, which took place on August 1, 2012. It was suggested by the director of operation. The suggestion targeted 20 employees, who were to attend a three-week seminar per year offered by Aspen Leadership Institute of Colorado. While concluding, Mr. Anil Ravaswami a sserted that it is not feasible for CHCM to sponsor its junior financial executives to the annual leadership training. ...future of CHCM at heart but only wants to disgrace him and advocate for adoption of theories of Aspen Institute, which he thinks are not appropriate for the culture of CHCM. What Are The Reasons? From the presentation of the subject and conclusions, the reason why the vice president of Human resources of CHCM, Mr. Anil Ravaswami declined to adopt the proposal of Ms. Forsythe on leadership training is their competition for corporate post. Mr. Anil Ravaswami argues that their twelve senior executive have never attended any leadership programs, but they have been delivering their duties as expected (Browne & Keeley, 2007). He believes that leadership is not learned but an innate trait by quoting people like Winston Churchill, Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King, Jr. Therefore, Mr. Anil Ravaswami reiterates that leadership development trainings are of less signific ance in Cliffside Holding Company of Massapequa. Which Words Or Phrases Are Ambiguous? Mr. Anil Ravaswami, in the Memo alluded to the sayings of some experts to rationalize his allegation that leadership is an inborn trait that cannot be copied or learned through trainings. He quotes one economist Dr. Irwin Corey, who said â€Å"born into this world accompanied by a rich, psychical disposition, which furnishes him ready-made all his motivations of conduct†¦He can show a demand for nothing that is not prompted by this galaxy of instincts.† The economist quote is related to Mr. Anil Ravaswami’s thought.  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18

Leadership - Essay Example These will act as a guide or baseline of the alignment. The other way leaders use to align the organization is by identifying all the stakeholders in the organization because they are the key to the sustainability of the new alignment and hence have to be involved. Due to the risks an organization is likely to go through, the stakeholders should be informed of every decision so that they can stand by the organization in case of any ambiguity in future. Leaders also integrate and assimilate information which they have first analyzed from all perspectives. This information may be concerning the political environment, relationships, competitors among others and which are crucial for the alignment and running of the organization. The information is integrated after ensuring that it will not sink the organization (Rampersad 2003). Positive change involves transformation of the organization in terms of the attitudes and motivation of the employees by the leader. This transformation requires the leader to engage several actions which are discussed below (Teerlink and Ozley 2000). One of the actions by a leader is to motivate employees and especially if the leader wants the attitudes of employees towards their work and each other to improve as a way to create positive change. There are several ways to motivate the employees including use of reinforces like money or praise and also team building exercises outside work environment (Pedini January 2012). Another action can be to let employees participate in goal setting in the organization. By so doing they will own up the goal and work towards it more positively and not disgruntle like they do when goals that are unattainable are imposed on them. This will also ensure that the employees work more quickly to achieve this goal hence positive change in performance and production